0010854 | minor | new | 2010-06-19 | vtkSTLWriter should warn when input is not all written |
Description: vtkSTLWriter only writes the first 3 points of each polygon. If the input is a triangle strip, for example, only the first 3 points of the strip are written. I'd suggest that it throw an error (or at least a warning) indicating that the input is not what it is expecting. Maybe this could be done by checking the number of points that were written to the file against the number of input points?
Here is a screenshot of the code of the bug we are attempting to fix.
Current Proposed Fix:
Step 1. Find out the number of points passed to the method in the pts list.
Step 2. Use an IF to find out the number of points and if it exceeds the # from step 1
Step 3. If it does, have a message in standard output that tells them only the first three points were used.
As I said we are about to learn C in Operating Systems. But I have not learned C++. We have learned Java in previous classes, so I will be looking at Java to C++ tutorials. Here is one of the good ones that Dr. Leclerc recommended to me: http://www.horstmann.com/ccj2/ccjapp3.html
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